
Food program to offer free breakfasts, lunches to children

2 min read

More than 70 sites in Lee County will participate in this year’s school district Summer Food Service Program, a free breakfast and lunch program, for birth to 18-year-old children.
Food and Nutrition Service Director Wayne Nagy said their goal is to take care of children and their nutritional needs during the summer. He said they have a full- time dietician during the school year that guarantees that students will receive a nutritional meal, which they want to also provide during the summer time.
The program is offered to children from birth to 18 years old. There are 75 sites offering the program in Lee County this summer, 10 of which are located in Cape Coral.
Nagy said as long as the program has an open door policy they can eat free of charge.
Those sites in Cape Coral include Island Coast High School, Gulf Middle School, Pelican extended, Ida Baker High School, Rotary Park, Four Freedoms Park, Skyline Enrichment, Christa McAuliffe Elementary School, William Austen YC and Skate Park and Challenger Middle School.
Times and start dates vary according to location.
Nagy said they will offer a balanced breakfast and lunch that was approved by their dietician.
“It is a nutritious lunch and breakfast,” he said.
According to the school district, the programs are only approved for geographical areas of need where 50 percent or more of the children qualify for free and reduced price meals during the school year.
The district has a nearly 70 percent participation rate.