
‘Paint the Cape Beautiful’ looking for more volunteers

1 min read

The Community Redevelopment Agency pledged $1,000 on Tuesday to help “Paint the Cape Beautiful,” a citizen- fueled effort to slap a fresh coat of paint on buildings located in South Cape.
Headed by private citizen Patty Barker, the CRA funds will help to buy paint for the effort, which Barker said is taking on a life of its own.
Barker said she already has a host of citizen volunteers and businesses on board and plans on painting the old RE-Max building is the first project.
“We just want the city to dress itself up and to look good and be as beautiful as it can be,” she said.
Barker is looking for additional help, whether it’s food, bottled water, corporate sponsorships or a hands-up from other like-minded citizens willing to suit up and grab a brush.
Barker said she has eight companies lined up to help paint, and that any other interested companies are welcome to advertise their efforts while putting in the work.
“Everyone is ready to go and there’s this incredible energy going on,” she said. “It’s been overwhelming.”