
Man injured in fatal ATV/dirt bike accident released from hospital

2 min read

A Cape Coral man injured in a head-on collision last week that also resulted in the death of a 13-year-old boy has been released from the hospital.
Matthew Buldo, 28, of 206 S.W. 37th St., had been discharged from Lee Memorial Hospital as of Tuesday. He was transported to the facility on June 19, along with Ronald Koger, 13, of 1804 S.E. Seventh St., after the crash.
Koger was pronounced dead upon arriving at the hospital.
At about 5 p.m., Koger was riding a 2004 Kawaski dirt bike west on Rapallo Way in Fort Myers, just off the Del Prado Extension, when he came across Buldo, who was driving a 2003 Yamaha ATV eastbound on Rapallo.
A third rider not involved in the crash reported that both Koger and Buldo took evasive action to avoid each other, but were unsuccessful. Koger was ejected from the bike, according to a Lee County Sheriff’s Office report.
Koger was reportedly traveling an estimated 45 mph when the accident occurred, while Buldo was traveling an estimated 40 mph. Both had on eye protection and helmets at the time. Buldo sustained an injury to his head.
Buldo and Koger were both trauma-alerted to the hospital.
The LCSO’s Traffic Homicide Unit continues its investigating into the accident.