Temporary lane closures set for Cape Coral Parkway paving project
Beginning 5 a.m. Friday, July 22, and continuing through 3:30 p.m., Sunday, July 24, westbound motorists should expect temporary lane closures on Cape Coral Parkway between Del Prado Boulevard and Coronado Parkway. At times, this work will impact access into business driveways and side streets as paving crews remove asphalt (milling) and resurface Cape Coral Parkway.
One westbound lane will remain open during this paving operation. Motorists are advised to follow the suggested detour routes and to expect possible delays.
In addition, on-street parking along the north side of Cape Coral Parkway will be restricted from Thursday, July 21, through Sunday, July 24.
Under this project, the city of Cape Coral Public Works Department will make roadway improvements along Cape Coral Parkway from Coronado Parkway to Del Prado Boulevard. Improvements being made as part of this project consist of removing asphalt (milling) and resurfacing the roadway, signalization and median modifications. This project has an anticipated completion date of fall 2011.
Advance warning signs, electronic arrow boards, and barricades will be used to assist motorists. While traveling through the work zone, motorists are urged to use caution, obey the posted speed limit, expect possible delays and seek alternate routes whenever possible. Under Florida state law, speeding fines are doubled in the work zone when workers are present. Please be advised that inclement weather and other unforeseen circumstances may affect the construction schedule. Periodic lane closures will occur throughout the duration of this project.
For more information about this project, contact the Citizen’s Action Center at 239-574-0425.