
City to host open house/events for National Public Works Week

2 min read

As part of National Public Works Week, the city’s Public Works Department and Utilities Department will hold an open house at the Nicholas Annex Wednesday, May 21, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The annex is at 815 Nicholas Parkway. The public is invited to the open house.

Public Works staff will have equipment demonstrations, a forklift rodeo and a 3rd grade poster contest with students from the city’s charter school system. In addition, the utilities staff will have information available on the city’s water, sewer and irrigation services with demo model setups. A camera truck used to scope sewer pipe will be onsite as well.

Utilities is providing limited tours of the North RO Water Plant during this week. The public will have the opportunity to learn about the reverse osmosis water production process. Tours will be at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Groups are limited in size, and participants must call Geri at 239-242-3420 to register for a tour. Tour participants must present a valid driver’s license to the police officer on duty at the guard house and receive a temporary entrance badge. The North RO Plant is located on Kismet Parkway just east of Chiquita Boulevard.

National Public Works Week is May 18 24 and is sponsored by the American Public Works Association. The week raises the community’s awareness on the importance of the contribution of public works to their daily lives. These contributions include planning, building, managing and operating projects and facilities within the community.