
Good turnout expected at inaugural ‘Motor Mania’

2 min read

Following a very busy Easter and the Taste of North Fort Myers event, the Shell Factory will host its third big event in as many Sundays with its inaugural Motor Mania event this Sunday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

More than 500 bikers are expected to attend what the Shell Factory hopes will be an annual event, featuring live music, biker games, contests and lots of fun.

The event will start with a biker buffet breakfast from 9 to 11 a.m., with live music featuring the Certified Band, a Shell Factory favorite, and Mike Glean, who plays on Sundays, from noon to 6 p.m.

Of course, all the attractions, including the new fossil and gem museum, and stores will be open, and biker games and awards for the nicest bike will be held in the parking lot.

Best Western Waterfront Hotel will have a special for out-of-towners, with rooms $72 per night.

“It’s one of these events we haven’t done before that we’re starting small and hope to make into a yearly event,” said Shell Factory marketing director Rick Tupper.

This event, along with many others, are revolved around making the Shell Factory a family destination.

“We love the snowbirds. About 80 percent of our business used to be snowbirds. Now, it’s about 60 percent snowbirds and 40 percent local and we want to increase local business,” Tupper said. “As we get toward summer, we’re going to gear a lot of events toward the local market, and with the zip line we hope to do it.”

The Easter event kind of skipped under the radar, Tupper said, with an overwhelming result. More than 300 children were on hand for Easter egg hunts, special pricing at the fun park, and it was the first time the Shell Factory went all out to celebrate it.

Also, foundations are being poured for the upcoming zip line. Tupper said they anticipate a lot of events down the road will revolve around the zip line, and that a Zip Line Cafe will open.

For more information, contact the Shell Factory at 995-2141 or go online at