Tour guides needed at Burroughs Home
Are you a history buff? Would you like to share your knowledge about Fort Myers?
The Burroughs Home, located in the River District on 2505 First St., is looking for tour guides. The Burroughs Home is managed by the Uncommon Friends Foundation.
The Georgian Revival home is open for one-hour tours on weekdays. Volunteers are needed to guide tourists through the home and gardens. Openings are available for both permanent positions and substitutes. Tour guides are provided with a thorough docent manual. Both permanent and seasonal residents are invited to become guides.
Additional volunteer opportunities are available at the Burroughs Home. They include clerical work, special events and tasks behind the scenes. Individuals with all kinds of interests are welcome, especially those who enjoy meeting new people and with an interest in history and historic preservation.
Please call Arlene Roth, 239-337-9505, for information about becoming a volunteer.
The Uncommon Friends Foundation, a not for profit 501(c)3 organization established in 1993, is dedicated to lifelong character building among today’s youth and business leaders. Its mission is to promote character education in schools, business ethics in the workplace and historic preservation of the Burroughs Home and James Newton Archives.
For more information, call 239-337-9505 or visit www.uncommonfriends,org.