FMPD urging residents/visitors to ‘Park Smart’
The Fort Myers Police Department is asking residents to help it reduce crime by following “Park Smart.” Take your keys, secure your valuables and lock your vehicle. An overwhelming number of vehicle thefts and vehicle burglaries are due to unsecured vehicles and owners leaving valuables in plain sight. Theft from vehicles is one of the most easily prevented crimes. It only takes a few seconds for a thief to open an unlocked door and grab whatever is visible.
Along with “Park Smart” residents may find the following procedures helpful while parking out in the community or at your residence:
– Take all valuables with you or place them in your trunk-if possible, before reaching your destination
– Use lights on timers or motion controlled lights in and around your property
– Install a security and/or camera system if possible
– Do not leave your garage door opener inside the vehicle
If you see anyone acting suspicious, looking into cars or trying door handles please do not hesitate to call the Fort Myers Police Department. Be a good witness and let us investigate further.