Land use amendments top Cape council agenda
A light agenda awaits the Cape Coral City Council for Monday’s meeting in Council Chambers at City Hall.
Only one public hearing is scheduled on a resolution requiring a vote. The resolution seeks approval of a Local Agency Program agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation dealing with installation of sidewalks on Cape Coral Parkway from Agualinda Boulevard to Southwest 29th Avenue.
The construction projects a total cost of $402,453 funded by state and federal departments. Construction is targeted for April 2015 with completion by Dec. 2017. Passage is expected.
Four ordinances will be introduced to council with the final public hearing date before council to be set for Sept. 8. All four deal with amending future land use maps and annexation of parcels in addition to amending the Cape Coral Comprehensive Plan infrastructure element to update the list of projects and adopt an updated water supply facilities work plan.
The Comprehensive Plan item accounts for continued planning, studies, goals, objectives and policies of the utility expansion program in Southwest 6 & 7, North 1 & 2 and the North Cape Water Reclamation Facility and six subsequent North area phases through the year 2031.
None of the four introductory ordinances require discussion or a vote before the final public hearing on Sept. 8.
Council also has set a second budget workshop meeting for 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 27, in Council Chambers.