Holy graphic novel, Batman – the Suncoast CGA comic book show is back at Whaley Hall this Saturday,Sept. 13.
Also geared towards gaming and anime enthusiasts, the event is set for the Lee Civic Center from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Among the featured events will be a costume contest, anime, game tournaments, console gaming, and a showing of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” with a twist.
Jason Bailey, who has owned the business for nine years with his wife, Lyn Williams, has brought the show to North Fort Myers for the last four years. It was formerly held at Grace Community Center and moved to Whaley Hall this time around.
“People can expect lots of costumes and geeky goodness, as well as vendors, video games, and table-top games,” Bailey said.
Among the featured events will be a shadowcast performance of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, the cult classic that was a staple of late-night drive-ins and cinemas for years, with the show done by The Forbidden Triffids.
“They will dress up like the people in the movie and there will be a great amount of audience participation,” Bailey said. “I don’t know if people will bring things to throw because it’s always a messy clean up.”
There will also be a costume contest where the winner gets free admission to all CGA shows and a chance to join the Chibi Pa contest on Nov. 24 for a $500 prize.