Funeral home helps raise breast cancer awareness
It’s not every day you see a pink funeral home, but that’s what the Fuller Metz Funeral Home on 3740 Del Prado Blvd. has created, and for a good cause.
The funeral home has lighted its business pink at night as a way to remind people it’s breast cancer awareness month, and it plans on doing it annually, as well as seeking a charitable organization to donate to.
Tim Hauck, managing partner at the funeral home, said with all the awareness going on throughout the month, they needed to do their part.
“You see so much pink and we decided to take an active role in how to bring awareness,” Hauck said. “We felt since we light up the building each night anyway, why don’t we light it up pink?”
With the volume of traffic on Del Prado, Hauck said he hopes that sends the message across.
The idea got off to a slow start, as the original lighting didn’t show the proper hue. Hauck said it took several days of trial and error before the appropriate color was found.
Originally, Hauck said they were going to find a charity to support, but they were so late into the month they couldn’t. He said if they get the message out, people should consider making a donation to a charity of their choice and added he may find a charity next year.
“It’s a great cause and there are a lot of great charities out there, so there might be a way to expand on it next year,” Hauck said.
Hauck said it seemed natural for Metz Fuller to do something like this, as it experiences the pain of loss on a daily basis, with some of them as a result of breast cancer.
“We see how it affects people’s lives and families and we want to participate and play a small part and bring awareness to it,” Hauck said.
Contact the Fuller Metz Cremation and Funeral Services at 542-3161.