SJCCA’s 7th annual art and photograph show this weekend
The St. James City Civic Association will hold its 7th annual art and photograph show this weekend Feb. 27 and 28. The Art Expo will feature about 30 Greater Pine Island artists and approximately 30 photographers.
“The opening reception is Friday evening at the St. James City Civic Association building from 7 to 8:30 p.m.,” Mary Ann Harms said. “At that time entries will be judged and ribbons will be awarded. The art is a juried competition and the photos will be judged. I hope people come out to meet the artists and photographers.”
The exhibition and sale is Saturday, Feb. 28, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Expo artists and photographers (Hot Shots club) will be in attendance to answer questions about their art and photographs.
Then on Sunday there is an addition to the expo called Expo’s Attic. The Hot Shots decided to keep their show running through Sunday since the building would be open.
There are seven categories of photographs in the show: nature/wildlife, urban-scape/street, landscape/seascape, people/portraits, creative/abstract/macro, monochrome, traditional.
These categories represent an attempt to be as all encompassing as possible for photographic subjects.