Lives are at stake
To the editor:
Driving can be and is the most dangerous thing people will ever do in their lives. Not only do they have to protect the people in their car, but also the people around them, but it does not always happen that way. Drivers are not always aware of what is around them especially if they’re drunk. When most people drive intoxicated, they tend to lose control of the car and many times they get away. Something needs to be done about this and soon, too many people have been killed from drivers like this. The people of this country need to be well aware of this on-going problem that our world is facing and also that more enforcers need to be patrolling.
Many drivers do not know what risk they are taking when they drive impaired. They think nothing will happen, but many times something does and endangers the public’s safety. Nevertheless, nobody is there to stop them until it is too late. People are involved in hit and runs every day and many times the law enforcement officer doesn’t know how it happened. Why? Because they’re not out there protecting us from these people, that’s why. More than half the time the cause of these accidents are from drunk drivers. They tend to forget where they’re going and hit obstacles and plenty of the times they do not find a way around them. They run right through them causing accidents or chaos to the community. This causes many problems and the people ask why somebody has died and point their fingers at everyone else giving them the blame when they should know these people are out there.
What can we do to stop this? It’s an easy question to answer, but the solution never stops these drivers. It tends to not faze them; they keep on drinking and keep on driving. Do we need to hire more officers or enforce more laws? Something needs to be done about this problem. Too many lives have been taken from drunk drivers. Does this not bother the public that they keep on doing this? This is not fair to the families that have lost a loved one due to an intoxicated driver on the road. Something needs to be done!
Now the solution to this is quite simple – put more officers on duty patrolling all areas even those where there isn’t a high crime rate. However, as always, they think that neighborhoods with a lesser of crime rate are fine and do not need patrolling. News flash, they do. Those are the places where more people get away with this deadly stunt they pull. The public needs to be able to sleep at night knowing that they will be safe and their family members won’t be injured or killed by a drunk driver. The only way to offer them this safety is by putting more cops out there and keeping the country safe from drivers who are impaired.
When will this matter be solved? When it’s your family member that had their life cut short by some crazed driver who thought it was OK to drink and drive? The people of this country deserve better. They need protection, they need a voice. It’s time to say no to all those drunk drivers and yes to saving lives. There is more to give when there is more to live for. It is time for law enforcement officers to stand up for us and keep people safe and for the people of this country to know that these impaired drivers are out there, nobody is invisible. Too many people have been hurt by this act of negligence. These drivers need to be stopped or they will get away and do it again and again.
Katherine Ortiz
Cape Coral