
Efforts to quiet Wikileaks inappropriate

2 min read

To the editor:

It is sad but I have been watching the investigation into Wikileaks since its first exposure. My husband served our country for four and a half years in the U.S. Navy. We are strong believers in America and all its rights and privileges.

I only want to comment that I am extremely disappointed in the efforts that are being used to quiet Wikileaks. I can appreciate that The U.S. and its representatives have been embarrassed over revealing statements they have made. Let’s view it from an individual point of view. I would not care to have my every statement made public, but I like to think myself wise enough not to make statements that I would not want made public.

He spent his time serving our country defending the rights of anyone to a degree of privacy. I am disappointed that because our country has experienced an embarrassing exposure, they feel that it is justified to use any means to gain the records of Julian Assange. Now they are seeking the records from Twitter. Where will it end? Are we realizing that if the government chooses to go after anyone, we can’t stop them. Their embarrassment is only becoming worse by the government’s continued harassment of Mr. Assange.

My only request now is that the government gives everyone the same privacy that our constitution guarantees.

Mary West

Cape Coral