Some perspective
To the editor:
I’m quite sure that everyone has already heard about the increase in retail sales over the Christmas season. But did anyone investigate the type of buying that was taking place? After three to four years of individuals holding back, vehicles, televisions, refrigerators and washing machines start to wear out. And the smart individual will wait for “the sales” climate to engage before shopping, and what better time than over the Christmas season. I have yet to speak with one individual, friend or otherwise that bought with confidence. A few said “I Had To Buy Something, So I Bought The New Big Screen”, but no one felt good about buying.
You can wager that our economy will continue to be sluggish at best until employers start to feel confident about tomorrow’s business climate, which will require a stable dollar. But in so long as our Congress and administration continue to borrow and spend, there’s not much good that can come from that kind of activity. It would be so much nicer if there was a nice warm light emitting from that tunnel, but about all one can see today is a small locomotive saying, “I’m Trying, I’m Trying, But I Just Can’t Move Forward”
Tony Silvain
Cape Coral