High-speed rails carries high long-term costs
To the editor:
A reply to Bill Nelson’s letter and other related comments: “High-speed rail will bring jobs, long-term benefits to state”
I would like to comment regarding some of the statements Bill Nelson stated in this particular article. First of all the so called high speed rail will most definitely cost the taxpayer in more ways than one.
Mr. Nelson, you failed to explain that the so-called 24,000 good paying jobs you state will bring to Florida is nothing more than union jobs. Wow, this sure looks like self interest to me Mr. Nelson, your own obviously.
The jobs, you say, is for Florida, but in fact it won’t be jobs for the average worker, but rather for union employees. We know that the unions will contribute for your re-election coming in 2012.
You Mr. Nelson won’t tell us, you know the taxpayer, will be left holding the bag for many years to come for the upkeep, repairs, maintenance and a host of other undisclosed factors.
As far as the comment you stated that “the skies the limit on gasoline prices, thanks to in part of the greedy speculators”. What a laugh I get from this statement.
I wonder how many taxpayers are aware of you voting against any drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, much less anywhere else in this country.
You also Mr. Nelson are responsible in part that has contributed to high gasoline prices. This Obama administration is also to blame along with your fellow democrat’s. Putting a moratorium on any more drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. You along with your special interest, socialist, progressive, environmentalist should look in the mirror and accept the blame.
You have and continue to hold us hostage to nations that hate us with your ideology and your votes. You have made us beholding to nations that support terrorists. We have plenty of resources in this country and there is nothing we need from other nations. We will never run out of oil, coal, solar, or wind power.
Let’s not forget the high taxes we pay per gallon to the federal government, state of Florida, city and county gouged from the consumers’ pockets as well. I don’t see you, Mr. Nelson, drawing up and introducing a bill into law to prohibit speculators and your big government from gouging the consumer. I see you doing nothing to protect the consumer regarding this issue.
Typical lip service from a seasoned politician who has been in office way too long. It’s time to step aside and retire.
Let someone with new ideas on saving our taxpayer money instead of the same old tax-and -spend attitude that has brought this country into debt far beyond the human life span of my own children.
Let’s not forget the attitude you and the rest of the people in your party believe.You think that you know what is best for the people. When we the people tell you we don’t want something you go right ahead and jam it down our throats anyway. A good example of this arrogant attitude was when every one of you Democrats voted for the health care bill.
We in 2012 will make sure you get the message loud and clear along with your fellow Democrats. We the people will be glad you show you, we know what is best for us. When you completely ignore the will of the people, is when you will be shown the door and be ousted of your comfortable job. You then might open up your ears and listen for once.
That is why we need to have term limits. I also believe that any candidate running for the presidency should not hold any position in the government while running for this office.
How many times you politicians run for the presidency while you hold a position of governor, senator,or Congress? You should not be allowed to run for the presidency while employed as mention above. You collect a paycheck and travel at our expense soliciting and begging for votes.
When you politicians lose the race, you get to go right back into the same prior positions without losing one cent. This is nothing more than stealing from the taxpayers. Remember ,you politicians were hired to do the people’s business, not travel all over this country doing your own self interest business.
It is way past time to allow this to continue any longer. If the congress and senate won’t get a bill stopping all this injustice, then we can by kicking you all out of office and elect someone who will do so.
Watch and see all these candidates that currently hold office, rip us off the taxpayers while campaigning. I know I, myself, will do my part and vote for you out of office in 2012. We can’t even get you senators to vote for a honest budget that will cut out all the waste you Democrats hold so dear to your hearts.
A good example of this when the loser Pelosi had control of the Congress and Reed control in the Senate. The Republicans have sent the Senate a proposed budget that you Democrats all were supposed to do in 2010 and failed to do so. It passed the Congress remember. And what happens — you Democrat Senators voted against it. Again you old, used -up politicians have not done your job as elected. It’s time to kick you all out of office and maybe you can stand in the unemployment line for once in your life and come back to reality.
One last statement I wish to make and that is I hope the government shuts down, and in the meantime you politicians not get paid for every day it is shut down. You all should also be fined for every day you are not in session. I think the fine should be, hummmmmm, maybe $500 per day. That sounds fair to me, especially all the money you make that you really don’t earn. This will also show the American taxpayer that we really don’t need the big government, and that we can get by without any of you.
Kevin Wroten
Cape Coral