
Organ donors save lives

2 min read

To the editor:

The story of Ron Bruce’s lifesaving heart transplant is a beautiful example of the many miracles created annually by the gift of organ and tissue donation. Ron Bruce’s chance at life is thanks to many – his loving family, skilled medical professionals and his own strength and perseverance. The most important link in providing this new life a chance to blossom, however, was not mentioned in the story – a donor family. Somewhere in the United States a family lost a loved one, and in the midst of their grief they helped carry out their loved ones wish to save lives as an organ donor. One person’s decision spared Ron Bruce’s family – or perhaps several families – the same tragedy of loss by choosing to give the gift of life.

The generosity of such anonymous individuals sets an example for the rest of us – decide to become an organ donor, sign up on Florida’s Donor Registry by visiting today or when renewing your driver license or ID card. One organ donor can save the lives of eight people, and impact many more through tissue donation. There are more than 110,000 people with similar stories to Ron Bruce, who are still waiting nationally for their own life-saving organ transplant – and each of us has an opportunity to become a hero every time we say “yes” to organ donation.

Betsy Edwards
