Outing the truth
To the editor:
Like children having a hissy fit, they stamped their feet, screamed their lungs out, threatened all kinds of retribution including murder and caused a $7 million mess to clean up and damage to the Capital building in Madison, Wisconsin. They succeeded only in creating an indelible impression of who and what the Democrats really are. The 14 Democrat Senators, with their tales between their legs, ran home to mommy saying they don’t want to play if they can’t win. What a disgrace they all are.
What has happened, you see, is that we caught the Democrats cheating and they have no defense but noise and more noise. We all believed that elections were fair and that everyone was equal to everyone else and we all had one vote. But when the truth came home that the union dues of public workers went into a secret fund to support Democrat politicians who promised to increase union workers salaries and retirement benefits we discovered an awful truth. We learned that everyone was equal but some people were more equal than others. Democrats have been gamming the system and filling their pockets with our money.
The truth is out. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Thank God for that.
David Huck
Cape Coral