Cutting off public money won’t ‘de-fund’ Planned Parenthood
To the editor:
On Planned Parenthood’s tax form they state that their main purpose is to provide leadership in achieving through informed individual choice, a U.S. population of stable size in an optimum environment; in stimulating and sponsoring relevant biomedical, socio-economic and demographic research (pg 82 of 2008 income tax).
So in reality, they are a population control organization, which was the goal of its founder, Margaret Sanger, who thought the influx of eastern Europeans and blacks was a determent to the white gene pool and would result in an inferior citizenry.
Before Congress is a bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood. It won’t, of course, they only receive $349.6 million from the government. This is out of an annual operating budget of $1.904 billion. They also have several large donors, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (whose funds specifically marked to avoid abortion); Buffet Foundation (whose funds specifically do fund abortion); Ted Turner, Ford, the Cullmans Foundations and others. In 2007 their total clinic income totaled $374.7 million an operating revenues of $68.9 million. The membership of over 700,000 donors account for one quarter of their income.
Since Roe vs. Wade, over 50,000,000 citizens have been eliminated. That equals a whole generation that will not be paying into their parents’ Social Security. You may wonder why Congress wants to increase the retirement age, and may have to reduce what future recipients get, and all you have to do is go back to the number at the beginning of this paragraph. And we have Planned Parenthood to thank for that. Capitalism thrives on supply and demand. But we have allowed 50,000,000 suppliers and demanders to be sacrificed. We have allowed one of the cardinal rights in our governing papers to be violated. The right to life, .liberty and happiness. It is our first guarantee.
The Bible says that where there is blood, there is life. Leviticus 17:14. By the time most abortions occur, the blood is already flowing in that baby In Genesis 25: 23, the Lord told Rebekah that there were two nations in her womb. Two sons, and they would be the beginnings of two nations. And today we see the result of that statement, the Israel and the Arab nations. How may people have we eliminated through abortion? Count up how many people are in your family’s generations and then subtract one, and recalculate. How many are there now?
God punished Israel for sacrificing their first born to the idol Moloech Jeremiah 32:35, and turned them over to the Babylonians, Jeremiah 32:26-35. I pray that the Lord will show mercy on us, if we repent of this deed.
Doris Heyns
Cape Coral