
Trump a proud American

2 min read

To the editor:

Have we reached a time in our history when we are scared to death to be an American who is proud to be an American and who acts like one?

After having heard Donald Trump being interviewed recently on one of the Bill O’Rielly programs and coming to the conclusion that this fellow sounds like, talks like, and makes me feel proud to be an American and then I submit my feeling and thoughts to a couple of newspaper publications and find them totally ignored for any publication certainly makes me wonder.

Donald Trump is a force to be reckoned with for the good and welfare of our United States of America.

If he ever does decide to run for president of the United States he will make a hell of a lot of people sit up and take notice. Particularly the leaders of the world who are looking down their noses at us as they participate in the destruction of our economy and way of life.

Take a good hard look at “The Donald:” before you discard his potential candidacy for president of our United States, if you truly want to see our nation remain united and vigorous.

Joseph F. Curran

Cape Coral