Charity should begin at home
To the editor:
I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone who watches and listens to the daily news on the T.V., radio and in the newspapers cannot see that the time is long past gone when we should have withdrawn our armed forces from throughout the world where we are so hated and despised by so much of the world’s populations.
What does it take to realize that all those hateful faces we constantly gaze upon simply hate us and want us to get the hell out of their countries? Yankee go home? Yeah, get out of there where you’re so obviously not wanted. Is that really so hard to understand? This is one old turkey who thinks not. When are we going to mind our own business and let the charity that we want to give away be done here at home? We see its need here at home every day.
Feed the needy, clothe the needy, house the needy, protect the needy. Don’t we get hit with these pleas every mail delivery?
Our own borders are in bad shape, and badly in need of protection for the lives of our American citizenry.
What gives? Shouldn’t this be one of our top priorities?
We spend nearly all our dollars in wars to protect and democratize people who for the most part don’t give a good damn about our country or its people. So,when are we going to wise up? After we have spent ourselves into oblivion? Or been blown apart by a bunch of nuts who crave their 72 virgins with nothing else uppermost in their poor warped minds?
Yeah — Yankee go home and stay home. Sounds pretty good to me.
Joseph F. Curran
Cape Coral