Look around
To the editor:
On Saturday, May 29, there was an article published by Mr. Dick Kalfus regarding our economy. I agree that our economy is still not good but Mr. Kalfus seems to be suffering from memory loss. Our economy was good when Bill Clinton was president. In fact, we were in the black. Then we elected President George W. Bush. During his eight years we added $5 trillion to our debt. Now Mr. Kalfus chooses to blame it on our current President. I can only assume that he, like most conservatives, chooses to forget what Bush did and blame everything bad on Obama. Has he already forgotten the war that was costing us $250 million a month?
Has Mr. Kalfus forgotten that the economy was going downhill fast the last years of Bush while unemployment was going through the roof? Does he fail to recognize that we are now in a global economy rather than an isolationist economy? Has he forgotten that this is the direct result of borrowing from China to finance the Iraq War, which is not (as was promised by the Bush administration) going to pay for itself. Has he failed to notice that we currently have a House of Representatives that opposes everything that is proposed by the Obama administration? Does he really expect Obama to fix in two years what Bush spent eight years taking down the tubes?
My advice to Mr. Kalfus is to do some research “before” he expresses an opinion on something he probably heard from another disgruntled conservative. Does he fail to realize that when he calls our president dopey, he is insulting over half of our voting population? Does he really think we would be better off with Trump who has been bank rupt seven times? Who was Mayor of a town with a population of 5000? Romney who installed the same health care in Maryland as Obama wanted for America?
I understand that Mr. Kalfus was embarrassed for the eight years Bush was in office, but come on, get your head out of the sand and look for improvements.
Mary West
Cape Coral