
Obamaism: Incredible pomposity!

2 min read

To the editor:

Almost three years into the Obama Presidency we find ourselves disrespected around the world, owing our children’s future to China, in the process of weakening our military, faced with debilitating and family destroying unemployment, in the throes of unmitigated inflation, and forced to watch while the administration encourages the removal of God from everything that we cherish.

Mr. Obama came to the Presidency with a “silver tongue” but with zero administrative experience…and that is where the pomposity surfaces and why we find ourselves faced with a United States of America seriously threatened both at home and abroad…and into the future.

President John F. Kennedy when referring to a room full of trusted advisors said I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever gathered at the White House…with the exception of when President Thomas Jefferson dined alone.” President Kennedy understood the genius of our third. President and he displayed his own intelligence by following President Jefferson’s directives.

One of Jefferson’s memorandums said; “The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time”. “Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are of God?”

President Kennedy understood that lessons learned from men recognized as being extraordinary, men who succeeded in moving America forward…men like Thomas Jefferson should be listened to and, for the sake of the nation, simply because they provide a guiding light that has proven to illuminate our paths to success.

To ignore the lessons of Kennedy, Jefferson, and more is to encourage a climate consisting of failure…and that kind of Obamaism arrogance indirectly responsible for our America languishing in decline.

Mr. Obama has failed America! All we hear now are excuses and half truths…we need a change, a new direction, and the President can best serve all of us by declaring that he will not seek reelection.

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral