
Release of prisoners can result in the ‘right thing’

1 min read

To the editor:

Knowing that our new Gov. Rick Scott has been contemplating releasing prisoners from our jails because of the over crowding and expense to the taxpayers, because of the condition and coupling that with a publication “Unjustly sentenced” the Bradley Todd Hill story which I just read by senior citizen Harry Beeman. I honestly do believe that Mr. Hill could, and should, be the showcase character to justify the implementation of such a program, particularly because of all the controversy it will undoubtedly cause.

Mr. Bradley Todd Hill, age 39, married, father of two, honest and productive business man, while guilty of D.U.I. which resulted in the death of another individual in another vehicle, driven by a more drunken individual who happened to be female, was sentenced to 20 years in prison, while the female was given a suspended sentence. Certainly this is and smells of “a miscarriage of justice” and demands rectification.

Gov. Scott in the implementation of this program can and will provide the rectification to this miscarriage of justice by doing this “The right thing.”

Joseph F. Curran

Cape Coral