The know-it-all people
To the editor:
It seems we have some people who criticize opinion writers they don’t agree with. I’m sure they are the type of people that believe they are smarter than everybody. Well, they are not very smart if that is what they believe. They have criticized and used mockery against Dick Kalfus who believes in God and is standing up for our 10 Commandments.
These Johnnys-come-lately can’t accept the fact that we have always been a Christian nation until we began having these anti-American and anti-God people wanting to change America into an atheist country. We will continue to keep God in America whether they like it or not. We also had some schools that refuse to have the children recite the “Pledge of Allegiance” because it has the words, “one nation under God” in the Pledge.
These are the people helping the evil to gain in our country.
We will continue to keep God in America.
Jennie Pace
Cape Coral