
Obama’s Kansas City shuffle

2 min read

To the editor:

I’ll make this brief, as I’m sure the griping about the government in this age is enough to outrage most of us.

Lately in the news we have been hearing about President Obama sending troops home from Afghanistan. As a former member of the military myself, and a man with family members and friends still serving, I have found that something else is going on. Most people I know in the military are home from Iraq and Afghanistan. They are not “home,” though, they are either preparing to go to, or have already left for Honduras now. The military seems to be amassing there.

Have we given way from one aggressive stance only to find ourselves facing the bull again? Why has there been no media regarding this. I googled the situation, and have not been able to find anything. So Mr. Obama, is this the proverbial Kansas City shuffle? Are you moving everyone on the left and while we the nation watch them go home, placing others in the right?

I accept that you have daunting tasks ahead of you. I do not pretend that you don’t. Nor do I take lightly any decision you must make, most of which will never see the black and white print of a newspaper, but please sir, keep us informed, for as a nation we can not make any decent decisions as an uninformed mass.

“We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders.” — Walter Cronkite

Dave Centrella

Fort Myers