The real world
To the editor:
Amazedly, a Mr. Hood has on his planet a president who has accomplished more in two years then the seven presidents before him and his name is Obama, too.
I would love to visit this planet where things are so perfect. Alas, we have a president here on earth whose name is Obama, too, but here is worthless.
His major accomplishments are vacationing, campaigning, personal appearances and golf, with no regard for the welfare of his country.
And I believe a Mr. Syder was complaining about complainers. Would it be that Mr. Syder is collecting a nice Social Security check and probably a nice pension with no regard for the family man out of a job, wondering when his next meal is coming from or if he will have a roof over his head?
Perhaps when that family man gets desperate enough and breaks into your front house, put a gun to your head to buy food for his family, maybe then you’ll get the message that we have a little problem here in the U.S.
Not to mention the 75,000 to 100,000 homeless vets in this country with more coming home from the the wars.
Yes, nobody, not even John Wayne or better yet Superman could have this mess figured out in two years. But you’d think a president would have a plan; Obama, not a clue. So let’s all do the right thing and impeach him before the Chinese do.
Tuition college cost reduced by as much as $17,000 for illegal immigrants. Give me a break. What about our legal residents and children of vets? Charity begins at home. I know the politicians are doing that for the minority vote which makes me hate the politicians all the more.
So gentlemen, instead of reading opinions, take a look at the news — we’re in a little bit of trouble.
Ralph Brookhart
St. James City