The Affordable Care Act is working
To the editor:
The new health care law is working. Many people are very happy with it. Those who have never had insurance before are especially happy. Those with pre-existing condition are so relieved to have their problem solved.
The ACA is decreasing the national debt! And securing Medicare. The Accountable Care Organizations and the Patient Centered Medical Homes are improving quality of care. Perhaps soon we can look forward to quality equivalent to our European friends.
Improving access to care and decreasing the number of uninsured continue to progress. Despite the effort of obstructionists, ways around their health care rationing will be found. Medicaid expansion will happen. I am sure the voters will have their say in November.
The employer mandate will come on line soon and working Americans will no longer have to go without insurance. Employers will realize that holding down rising insurance costs, and tax support will allow them to not have to decrease employees. It will also allow them to support their employees with wage increases when appropriate. The ACA will increase jobs, strength our economy, and improve the health of our work force.
The ACA did address Tort Reform, and the study is ongoing. This is more appropriate for the legislative branch to address. So far they do not seem interested.
Lewis Robinson. Md.
Fort Myers
The Affordable Care Act is working
To the editor:
The new health care law is working. Many people are very happy with it. Those who have never had insurance before are especially happy. Those with pre-existing condition are so relieved to have their problem solved.
The ACA is decreasing the national debt! And securing Medicare. The Accountable Care Organizations and the Patient Centered Medical Homes are improving quality of care. Perhaps soon we can look forward to quality equivalent to our European friends.
Improving access to care and decreasing the number of uninsured continue to progress. Despite the effort of obstructionists, ways around their health care rationing will be found. Medicaid expansion will happen. I am sure the voters will have their say in November.
The employer mandate will come on line soon and working Americans will no longer have to go without insurance. Employers will realize that holding down rising insurance costs, and tax support will allow them to not have to decrease employees. It will also allow them to support their employees with wage increases when appropriate. The ACA will increase jobs, strength our economy, and improve the health of our work force.
The ACA did address Tort Reform, and the study is ongoing. This is more appropriate for the legislative branch to address. So far they do not seem interested.
Lewis Robinson. Md.
Fort Myers