
Memorial Day a day to question

3 min read

To the editor:

Memorial Day, a day to remember those who sacrificed it all for us and for future generations. They left, for us, an example to follow. An example that all of us are created equal, and that we need to always look out for one another. They set an example that we need to sacrifice for the freedom and dignity of all our fellow citizens, now and those to follow.

How do we follow their example? Do we consider our fellow citizens around us during our daily lives? Do we consider and assist our fellow citizens that are less fortunate? Those whose income level is so low that basic necessities are to difficult to acquire – food, housing, clothing, medical care. Or our other citizens who may be labeled as blue collar or working class individuals who have families. Families whose income levels and benefits have fallen so low that marriages and family units are breaking apart?

What about children whose future rests on the possibility of a decent education? If our nation’s future rests on their growth, then why do we pay our teachers so poorly? Do we consider our fellow citizens when we discuss politics and taxes? Do we consider our nation and our fellow citizens when we push for lower taxes or when we attempt to balance budgets? When did the term “freedom” become so self-centered? What happened to the theory of redistribution of wealth that is so vital for democracy and capitalism to survive? When did profits and material wealth become our purpose? When have we forgotten that the culture and system that allowed us to be successful now needs our support so others may follow? Could we not grow a little more wisely so that all our citizens can grow also and not get left behind? Could we attempt to grow side-by-side? Could we not share our wealth and not hoard it? Our national wealth is there because of all of our labors and not just a few.

I suggest this Memorial Day we try to remember those who sacrificed it all. I suggest that we mourn the mistakes that we continue to make. And I suggest that we pray for the courage and wisdom to change our ways so that all our citizens can share in our prosperity and grow more fully into that which God has intended for us.

Kirk A. Rollo

Cape Coral