Not a good neighbor
To the editor:
Well it appears that the government of Mexico is upset that the state of Texas has placed troops along the border with Mexico.
The foreign ministry of Mexico “reiterates, in a firm and categorical way, its rejection of this measure.” It went on to say, “No circumstance at all or change in border security exists that justifies this measure taken by the state.”
Since when does Mexico tell the United States what is justified on its side of the border?
It is about time that Mexico acts as a responsible neighbor and prevents this continued violation of the sovereignty of the United States.
The Mexican government is an accomplice to those who are breaking the laws of the United States and perhaps even stronger measures should be taken. However, President Obama lacks the stomach and ability for leadership on any scale beyond that of a neighborhood organizer.
When we have citizens here that are in desperate straits for food, shelter and education it is not a responsible action to allow this law-breaking to continue. If Mexico cares not for the rule of law we should not bear the brunt for their failure.
I am sure that a determined leader in the United States could design a remedy that would resolve this situation in a lawful manner.
Charity begins at home.
Joseph L. Kibitlewski, PhD.
Cape Coral