
Misleading ads constitute dishonesty

2 min read

Misleading ads constitute dishonesty

To the editor:

We moved to Florida a little over a year ago so I do not really know Gov. Rick Scott or former Gov. Charlie Crist. But I am concerned about some of the commercials I have seen on TV.

There seems to be a lot of innuendo associated with each candidate. Something about Scott taking the Fifth Amendment during some legal hearings and Crist in guilt by association with some guy that ran a Ponzi scheme. These I have no knowledge about.

The commercial that bothers me is the accusation that Crist lost the state 832,000 jobs while Scott has regained something like 300,000 back.

Now let’s take a look at this in the timeframe in which it happened. Crist was governor from 2007-2011. And what happened during that time? Oh, the Great Recession, the subprime mortgage crisis and the financial crisis of 2007-08.

EVERY state in the union lost jobs; some in greater proportion than Florida.

Did Charlie Crist do this?

On the other hand over the past six or seven years due to economic stimulus packages, bail outs, and infrastructure spending, jobs have slowly but surely come back.

Did Rick Scott do this?

If you are going to say “yes” to both of these, as the commercial suggests then by that logic we would have to say that President Bush lost all of those jobs during the Recession and President Obama has slowly but steadily brought the jobs back.

My point is that when political parties promote their candidate by only giving part of the truth they are essentially being dishonest with the public. If they are dishonest before the election, how honest will they be after the election?

Gerard Pahl

Cape Coral