
Reject the Party of No

1 min read

To the editor:

Republican efforts to suppress the votes of those likely to favor Democrats have been widely publicized and even admitted by some Republican politicians for what they are. These voter suppression actions should demonstrate to all Americans how extreme the Republican Party has become, how desperate they are to obtain and retain power, and how low they have sunk in the process.

Not content with fabricating sleazy smears and fanning the flames of prejudice and racial resentment, Republicans in states they control have undermined the very essence of our democracy, the right to vote, just as they have ignored or trampled on traditional American values such as equality, life, liberty, and justice for all.

This November is the time for all informed, decent Americans to reject “the party of no,” “the party of the rich” and elect Democrats instead. Our country and future generations will greatly benefit if they do.

Robert McKelvie

Fort Myers