
Vote Armstrong

1 min read

To the editor:

The race for School Board No. 4 is heating up. I believe it is clear that Steve Teuber is supported by Jim Browder, Jeannie Dozier, Catherine Morgan and former Board member Jane Kuckel. There is an agenda which has not been part of the public discussion (the elephant in the room). That agenda is to bring back Jim Browder as superintendent. Voters and taxpayers should remember that this was the man who walked away with a half million dollar golden parachute and then did the same at Edison State College. If Steve Teuber is elected it is clear that there will be three votes on the School Board to accomplish this purpose.

It also should be remembered that Steve Teuber was the Board member who supported removing the ethics provision from Jim Browder’s contract. He did not think that ethics was important in Lee County Schools and said so publicly.

If Lee County voters do not want to pay for another golden parachute and support the concept of ethics in our school system, they should support Donnie Armstrong in this race. The education of Lee County students is at stake.

John E. Traube

Cape Coral