Greed the cause of economic woes
Well, here we go again: To our voluble local GoPers, every ill in the world lies at the feet of Mr. Obama. Tsk, tsk!!
In fact, those ills by and large lie elsewhere, in the hands of our greed-smitten Money-Folk who are very pleased to send our economy overseas to their exclusive profit. They have not learned (yet, not YET) a simple, but classic lesson: A Consumer Economy works ONLY when the potential consumers are well employed at jobs which allow them to participate in that economy by purchasing the goods which they produce.
A fellow by name of Henry Ford learned and took good heed of that lesson some 100 years ago when he paid his workers the then unheard of wage of $5/day, thus allowing them to purchase those little “Tin-Lizzies”which they industriously produced in quantity.
That Golden Goose thing again comes to mind.
Allen N Wollscheidt
Cape Coral
Greed the cause of economic woes
To the editor:
Well, here we go again: To our voluble local GoPers, every ill in the world lies at the feet of Mr. Obama. Tsk, tsk!!
In fact, those ills by and large lie elsewhere, in the hands of our greed-smitten Money-Folk who are very pleased to send our economy overseas to their exclusive profit. They have not learned (yet, not YET) a simple, but classic lesson: A Consumer Economy works ONLY when the potential consumers are well employed at jobs which allow them to participate in that economy by purchasing the goods which they produce.
A fellow by name of Henry Ford learned and took good heed of that lesson some 100 years ago when he paid his workers the then unheard of wage of $5/day, thus allowing them to purchase those little “Tin-Lizzies”which they industriously produced in quantity.
That Golden Goose thing again comes to mind.
Allen N Wollscheidt
Cape Coral