I hear you???
The day after the election Obama spoke to the press and the American people in his usual arrogant manner. He said that only one third of the eligible voters voted and that two thirds did not vote. He also said he heard the two thirds who did not vote, indicating that they accepted his policies and would not vote therefore giving him a mandate of sorts.
Did he mean that you Democrats, Republicans and independents that voted did not know what you were doing and would not accept your votes?
What an insult to the American voter by this man. An old saying Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and is now changed to Hell hath no fury like a scorned and totally irrational president.
The following clip is from Oct. 17, 2013. The government shutdown, during which Obama’s government had locked veterans out of their own memorials and shut down self-sufficient businesses in national parks, had just ended. President Obama reacted by challenging his opponents to win elections. And they responded: Challenge accepted! And win they did and big.
Yet this man feels thinks and acts like a self-proclaimed dictator.
The elected officials, Democratic, Republican and Independent alike must stop this man before he totally destroys the sacred meaning of our beloved Constitution and the great American way of life as we once knew it.
With a stroke of his pen he wants to legalize some millions of illegals which only the elected Senators and House Members have the right to do or not do.
And to the illegals out there reading this, he is playing games with you by that action because you will only be legal while he is in office and once he is gone you become illegal again.
Unless he is hoping by making you all legal that you all will vote Democratic in the Nov 2016 election thereby wiping out all Republicans. At which time the Democrats will have complete and total control of you as they have another group. You need to ask yourselves what has he and the Democrats have done for you other than use you as political pawns.
Nothing is sacred to this man but his own ego. He cares less about the people of this great country, ignores the Constitution, continues to decimate the military to bring it down to a Third World country size and he will, by strokes of his pen, entrap the minority, black, white and any other color with a pack of lies.
This man has been a habitual liar from day one and he will not stop. He apparently finds it difficult to determine who the enemy is. All he has to do is look in the mirror and lo and behold the enemy will be staring him in the face. At my age I can afford to open my trap but I earned this right and by dang I am exercising it.
Anthony Maida
Cape Coral