Politicians and potheads — a dangerous combination
To the editor:
The legalizing of pot is a bad idea! Only irresponsible pinheads would rail for the availability of marijuana to anyone and everyone on an indiscriminate basis. Surely, no responsible individual would believe that pot, a mind- altering substance, should be made available haphazardly and without proper authorization.
The science is clear and unambiguous, pot is a dangerous substance. It is not like alcohol at all. And, there is a good reason it is classified as a dangerous substance right along with heroin, LSD, and ecstasy.
The American Medical Association, The American Lung Association, and other reputable doctors and scientists all reject legalization. Even the liberal pages of the Washington Post urged voters not to legalize pot in the ballot initiative this past November. The Post noted that “the rush to legalize marijuana gives us- – and we hope voters-serious pause.”
Today, the majority of DUI drug arrests involve marijuana, youth consumption of pot has grown dramatically, and marijuana related emergency room visits has increased almost 60 percent from 2011 to 2014. There is also absolute evidence that marijuana is highly addictive, causes mental health problems, and is a gateway drug to other illegal and dangerous drugs. Pot use produces intellectual impairment and has increased the risk of heart attacks in middle-aged adults.
There are some benefits to individuals suffering chronically in terminal situations. In these instances, marijuana administration is best left to doctors who can responsibly examine the patient, determine the risks and the benefits, and then regulate the usage. On the other hand, the legalizing of pot, making it as available as milk or mayonnaise, can only result in the creation of an army of zombies operating vehicles and walking our streets in a trance, in a stupor, and making it unsafe for everyone else.
All legislators should speak out against pot legalization and fight off its deregulation.
Dick Kalfus
Cape Coral