Lee County Commissioners in denial mode on growth
To the editor:
Lee County Commissioners are in denial mode on the massive growth of Lee County last year as the U.S Census Bureau determines Lee County to be the sixth fastest growing area in the nation last year.
Lee CountyCommissioners must have been reviewing the results of a Ouija Board game in order to miss seeing all the new folks arriving in Lee County.
Maybe it was the Ouija Board results that led the commissioners to determine that the impact created by the addition of tens of thousands new residents didn’t require a rational increase to 100 percent for impact fees instead of the measly 45 percent the county vote upon.
Maybe our County Commissioners should give up the Ouija Board and take a drive around Lee County and see what adding tens of thousands of people every year does to our infrastructure. Or should I say lack of infrastructure that they have created by reducing the impact fees.
Leo Amos