
Serious deep trouble

2 min read

To the editor:

As long as we have significant numbers of people walking freely about — presumably and apparently otherwise functioning adults — who can express the sentiments in the letter “Letter was dead-on,” (notwithstanding the original letter which is therein proclaimed to be”dead-on”) America is in very, very serious and deep trouble in the matter of leadership.

Let us put the matter bluntly : Trump is utterly and completely non-qualified to be sitting in the Oval Office and represents a serious danger not only to the people of America, but to the entire world as well!!!

In order to properly deal with this subject, one must set aside politics for the moment :Were Trump a “raving lunatic liberal” (in the assessment of the Right), I would still enthusiastically call for his immediate ouster, on the ground of functional disqualification :Moral weakness, serious mental instability and obvious mental illness. Extremist politics is being used by his swarm of Adorators to gloss over and to encourage people to not properly consider this critical aspect of the issue.

It is truly daunting to see politics used in this way to justify the presence of a clear-cut danger, namely Trump. I do wonder whether any of the goals of most of his Adorators extend past the simple, puerile goal of “winning.”

I also have reservations over our simply allowing those obviously similarly impaired and thoughtless Adorators to just freely walk about without some really close supervision.

I further ask myself whether or not there is in fact some sort of subtle pathology behind all of this. Nixon was simply evil, Reagan was simply dumb, the Bushes naive, but Trump? “He is what he is.”

The present situation is altogether incredible and not sustainable at all!!!

Allen Wollscheidt

Cape Coral