
Homeless in the U.S. is a shame

2 min read

To the editor:

We as citizens of the United States of America should be ashamed of ourselves. We all say this group or that group needs help but who does the government and the citizens ignore the most?

Those who are homeless that’s who! We all pay lip service by donating money and clothes and sometimes time, but do we really understand some of the problems of the homeless people and families? Sure, there have been countless studies and some programs that have helped those who are homeless. But I wonder why this country cannot do more for the homeless person be they a vet or a family and man or woman down on their luck?

Is it because we say “let someone else take care of the problem for it is not mine” I say it is your problem too!

So, let me explain how this is a problem for we the people of the United States of America for we are one of the richest countries there is in the world but the government and citizens only want a Band-Aid on the problem. We could take old stores and office buildings and fix them up for temporary housing and office space for the case workers and volunteers. I, for one, have done a lot of research on the issue of individuals who are homeless, which doesn’t make me an expert, but I have a little better sense of the problem we have. I know there are a lot of charities that are there to help the homeless but they are overwhelmed and under staffed. The government also needs to help out by setting up programs with the charities out there with the support of the citizens. We need to set the example here in Lee County for the rest of the country by being more pro-active and willing to help in any way we can.

So, I say to the “not-in-my-backyard” people. Be a part of the solution and not just giving lip service.

Steven Comstock

A resident of Cape Coral and a veteran