
Stay tuned…

2 min read

To the editor:

Political advertising is exaggeration at its extreme. Everyone does it and it must work with enough for people to throw $1.4 billion just at the Senatorial races to date. For all political offices it could be in the range of $5-10 billion.

Exaggeration is one thing but some rhetoric is beyond the pale. I have a Democratic friend who is grief stricken and nearly having a nervous breakdown. Her son, a chemical engineer, gave up his job because he wanted a better one and was concerned also about the pandemic. Now he cannot get a job and they are hysterical about the prospect of no ObamaCare. Democrats have said that if Trump is re-elected he will eliminate ObamaCare and those who listen only to Democratic propaganda believe it.

Of course they don’t consider that Trump tried to replace ObamaCare when elected and even with a Republican House and Senate, he was unable to do so. Secondly Trump’s objective was to replace it, not eliminate it. Of course if you only listen to one side, you can be rather easily convinced of anything.

Another scare tactic that I saw on TV by Biden is that Trump will eliminate Social Security. Now that might be the whopper of the season. Trump has no authority to do that and it would be political suicide regardless of Party.

Another anomaly is Biden’s commercial that Trump did not take the pandemic seriously early in the virus. Looking up Fact Check, Biden called Trump a fear monger for restricting traffic with China on Feb. 2. Biden did not endorse the travel ban until April 4. Biden is on both sides of the argument depending upon which speech you read.

If you want to hear some well graphed and dramatized political commercials stay tuned.

John Benedict

Cape Coral