Community Connection | Some welcomes and thank-yous

Hello everyone!
I am going to start out this month with a thank you to all the kids who participated in the NFMCA EGGSTRAVAGAZA! After volunteer bunnies spread 3,000 eggs throughout North Fort Myers more than150 winners claimed their prizes. Thank you volunteer bunnies. We appreciate your willingness to help.
May brought us new board member George Sand. George is a 20-year member of the NFMCA and longtime advocate of the NFMCA and his community. Welcome, George.
The NFMCA was on hand to welcome Culvers to North Fort Myers. Our director and media representative, Bob Hill, was on hand at the ribbon-cutting ceremony and sampled a few things. Welcome, Culvers!
May is our get-ready-for-June month. Tying up our scholarship awards. The awards will be presented at our June 11 meeting. Please plan on attending and showing your support. If you are a NFM resident or going to a NFM high school graduating this year, please visit our website for more information
June 15 is our third annual golf tournament. This year the Father’s Day Saturday tournament will be held at Del Tura Golf Club. Information is available on our website and Facebook page. Or email us at
The kids will be out of school for the summer. This also is my time to start asking for donations to send as many kids as possible back to school in a pair of new shoes and a “feel-good” attitude. Once again, the NFMCA voted to match all donations up to the first $1,000.
This is my personal favorite giveback that we do. Our first year we gave certificates to 22 kids from PreK to 12th grade. This past year we helped 87 kids with new shoes. My goal is 100 plus pairs of shoes this year.
As always, we love volunteers. If you have been thinking about doing some volunteering this year we have a place for you. We are always looking for community-minded residents for our events and for our Board of Directors.
We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the NFM Recreation Center. NFMNL
This column appears in the latest issue of the North Fort Myers Neighbor Living magazine, available at locations throughout North Fort Myers.