
Community Connection: Charity Golf Scramble approaching

4 min read

Summer is officially on its way out opening the door to fall. For us here in the Sunshine State it brings a little cooler weather, school in session and Halloween decorations galore in grade schools across Lee County.

Eighty-three students started the year with new shoes this year courtesy of the North Fort Myers Civic Association fundraising event hopefully to again relieve some of the stress of getting your kids back to school. Thank you to everyone who donated for our third annual.

It just gets better every year.

This past summer, the North Fort Myers Civic Association joined the kids of North Fort Myers at the North Fort Myers Community pool on Saturdays for Summer Splash Saturday. Approximately 384 kids over the course of eight weeks, joined us for pizza and swimming and raffle prizes on Saturdays where the North Fort Myers Civic Association paid their entrance into the pool for the day. I can’t thank Glen and all the lifeguards of the North Fort Myers pool and the manager Amy.

With a unanimous vote the NFMCA in our ongoing purpose “For The Betterment Of North Fort Myers” we decided to go country! We were so impressed with all the hard work that the Lee Civic Center and Parks and Rec had been doing at the Lee Civic Arena and preparation for the100th year of the Lee County fair and the first year of the SWFL Ag Expo.

We wanted to give our support as well.

The Fort Myers Civic Association contributed $10,000 towards the purchase of the Rice Lake 5000-pound single animal livestock scale to be housed at the SWFL Ag Expo livestock barn.

The scale will be used by 4H, the FFA and the SWFL Ag Expo. We are proud that we were able to support this great gift and leave our mark for hopefully another 100 years.

This year so far, the NFMCA has donated and helped organizations, schools and individuals in North Fort Myers for a total of $20,000. Might not sound like a lot to some people but to us it is a lot. It’s a lot of volunteering. It’s a lot of fundraising and it’s a lot of happy work because the result is so rewarding.

Oct. 19 is our Charity Golf Scramble at Del Tura Golf and Country Club. Make sure you sign up for this wonderful day of fun, food and prizes and again helping our community.

We look forward to seeing you sign up and we look forward to seeing you there. You may sign up on our website, or email us at

October is also membership month think about joining the North Fort Myers Civic because we do so many great things, so many things to make you feel good about you and so many things to make you feel good about your community.

And we’re not done

Our Veterans Angel Tree will be on display Nov. 1 and ready for you to pick an angel.

Our 10-foot veteran-themed Christmas tree will be displayed in The North Fort Myers Rec Center where you can pick an ornament, purchase and return an unwrapped gift for a local vet. We will wrap and deliver your personal gift to the local vet whose name is on the tag, and I can tell you these gifts are so very much appreciated. So please join us this year and if you know a vet or two in NFM. Put his or her name on an angel tag and put it back on the tree and while you are there pick a name, too.

We have Thanksgiving turkeys to hand out and we have Santa for the kids in December.

January, we have our community service awards

Have you ever thought about being on our Board of Directors? You should —  it’s very rewarding. The biggest requirement is your time because we are a volunteer organization. We need volunteers who are willing and excited to get out and meet and greet our local community face-to-face, that’s what we are. We are a face-to-face community-minded organization of volunteers, who are interested in the Betterment of North Fort Myers. Think about joining our board, we have a spot for you.

Until next month.

Toni Hill, President NFMCA